Mastering Windows 11 Shortcuts for Maximum Efficiency

  Blog Desk       January 24, 2025     543 No Comments

Windows 11 features a modern and elegant interface, but it is just as important to learn its keyboard shortcuts as it is to understand its new features. By mastering these shortcuts, you can navigate your system more efficiently and accomplish tasks with less effort. Here are some essential Windows 11 shortcuts to boost your productivity:

Integrating these windows 11 shortcut keys into your daily routine will allow you to easily navigate Windows 11 and boost your efficiency. What is your favorite shortcut so far?

Press this key:To do this action:
Windows key Open or close the Start menu.
Windows key  + AOpen the Windows 11 action center.
Windows key  + Alt + BTurn high dynamic range (HDR) on or off. For more information, see What is HDR in Windows?
Windows key  + Alt + DDisplay and hide the date and time on the desktop.
Windows key  + Alt + Down arrowSnap the active window to the bottom half of the screen.
Windows key  + Alt + HWhen voice typing is open, set the focus to the keyboard.
Windows key  + Alt + KMute or unmute the microphone in supported apps.
Windows key  + Alt + Up arrowSnap the active window to the top half of the screen.
Windows key  + comma (,)Temporarily peek at the desktop.
Windows key  + Ctrl + CIf turned on in settings, enable or disable colour filters.
Windows key  + Ctrl + EnterOpen Narrator.
Windows key  + Ctrl + FSearch for devices on a network.
Windows key  + Ctrl + QOpen Quick Assist.
Windows key  + Ctrl + Shift + BWake up the device when the screen is blank or black.
Windows key  + Ctrl + SpacebarChange to a previously selected input option.
Windows key  + Ctrl + VOpen the sound output page of quick settings, which includes settings for the output device, spatial sound, and the volume mixer.
Windows key  + DDisplay and hide the desktop.
Windows key  + Down arrowMinimize the active window.
Windows key  + EOpen File Explorer.
Windows key  + EscClose Magnifier.
Windows key  + FOpen Feedback Hub.
Windows key  + forward slash (/)Start input method editor (IME) reconversion.
Windows key  + GOpen the Game Bar. For more information, see Keyboard shortcuts for Game Bar.
Windows key  + HOpen voice dictation.
Windows key  + HomeMinimize or restore all windows except the active window.
Windows key  + IOpen Settings.
Windows key  + JSet focus to a Windows tip when one is available. When a Windows tip appears, bring focus to the tip. Press the keys again to bring focus to the element on the screen to which the Windows tip is anchored.
Windows key  + KOpen Cast from Quick Settings to connect to a display. For more information,
Windows key  + LLock the computer.
Windows key  + Left arrowSnap the window to the left side of the screen.
Windows key  + MMinimize all windows.
Windows key  + Minus (-)Zoom out in Magnifier.
Windows key  + NOpen the notification center and calendar.
Windows key  + OLock the device orientation.
Windows key  + POpen project settings to choose a presentation display mode.
Windows key  + PauseOpens the Settings app to the System  > About page.
Windows key  + Period (.)
Windows key  + Semicolon (;)
Open the emoji panel.
Windows key  + Plus (+)Zoom in with the Magnifier.
Windows key  + PrtScnCapture a full-screen screenshot and save it to a file in the Screenshots subfolder of the Pictures folder.
Windows key  + QOpen search.
Windows key  + ROpen the Run dialog box.
Windows key  + Right arrowSnap the window to the right side of the screen.
Windows key  + SOpen search.
Windows key  + Shift + Down arrowIf a window is snapped or maximized, restore it.
Windows key  + Shift + EnterIf the active window is a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app, make it full screen.
Windows key  + Shift + Left arrowMove the active window to the monitor on the left.
Windows key  + Shift + MRestore minimized windows.
Windows key  + Shift + RSelect a region of the screen to record a video. It then opens the screen recording in the Snipping Tool. By default, this screen recording is automatically saved as an MP4 file in the Screen Recordings subfolder of your Videos folder.
Windows key  + Shift + Right arrowMove the active window to the monitor on the right.
Windows key  + Shift + SSelect a region of the screen to capture a screenshot to the clipboard. You can then open the Snipping Tool to share or markup the image.
Windows key  + Shift + SpacebarSwitch backward through input languages and keyboard layouts.
Windows key  + Shift + Up arrowStretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows key  + Shift + VCycle through notifications.
Windows key  + SpacebarSwitch forward through input languages and keyboard layouts.
Windows key  + TabOpen Task View.
Windows key  + UOpen the Settings app to the Accessibility section.
Windows key  + Up arrowMaximize the active window.
Windows key  + VOpen the clipboard history. Note: Clipboard history isn’t turned on by default. To turn it on, use this keyboard shortcut and select the prompt to turn on history. You can also turn it on in the Settings app > System > Clipboard, and set Clipboard history to On.
Windows key  + WOpen Widgets.
Windows key  + XOpen the Quick Link menu. This shortcut takes the same action as right-clicking on the Start menu.
Windows key  + YSwitch input between Windows Mixed Reality and your desktop.
Windows key  + ZOpen the snap layouts.

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