444 Most Important Computer Abbreviations You Should Know

  Blog Desk       April 24, 2021     1296 No Comments
444 Most Important Computer Abbreviations You Should Know

444 Most Important Computer Abbreviations You Should Know

1. TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
2. UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply
3. SATA = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
4. SMPS = Switched-Mode Power Supply
5. RAM = Random Access Memory
6. ROM = Read Only Memory
7. CD = Compact Disk
8. DVD = Digital Versatile Disk
9. CRT = Cathode Ray Tube
10. CPU = Central Processing Unit
11. SAP = System Application & Products
12. PNG = Portable Network Graphics
13. IP = Internet Protocol
14. URL =Uniform Resource Locator
15. USB =Universal Serial Bus
16. VIRUS = Vital Information Resource Under Seized
17. GIS Geographical Information system
18. DDS Digital Data Storage
19. CAD Computer Aided Design
20. ACPI Advanced Configuration And Power Interface
21. AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
22. APM Advanced Power Management
23. APIPA Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing
24. ASIC Application Specific Integration circuit
25. CAL Computer Aided Leering
26. HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
27. HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
28. DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
29. GPS Global Positioning System
30. GPU Graphics Processing Unit
31. GDI Graphics Device Interface
32. CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
33. ANSI American National Standards Institute
34. ICP Internet Cache Protocol
35. GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
36. GPL General Public License
37. GCR Group Code Recording
38. MSN Microsoft Networks
39. BCC Blind Carbon Copy
40. VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
41. MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
42. ECC Excise Control Code
43. WIFI Wireless Fidelity
44. TPU Tensor Processing Unit
45. PSD Photo-Shop Document
46. DPI Dots Per Inch
47. FYA For Your Action
48. VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
49. CRS Computer Reservation System
50. CTR Cathode Ray Tube
51. BFD Binary File Descriptor
52. ABR Available Bit Rate
53. Gbps Gigabits Per Second
54. VPN Virtual Private Network
55. FYI For Your Information
56. PING Packet InterNet Groper
57. CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access
58. AD Active Directory
59. ADC Analog – to – Digital Converter
60. BGP Border Gateway Protocol
61. CSI Common System Interface
62. DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
63. OSI Open Systems Interconnection
64. LAN Local Area Network
65. WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
66. WAN Wide Area Network
67. MAN Metropolitan Area Network
68. PAN Personal Area Network
69. MAC Media Access Control
70. OMR Optical Mark Recognition
71. CMD Command
72. NIC Network Interface Card
73. LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
74. UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
75. DCE Distributed Computing Environment
76. PFA Please Find Attached
77. HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
78. HCI Human Computer Interaction
79. FHS Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
80. FCS Frame Check Sequence
81. DVE Digital Video Effects
82. DLL Dynamic Link Library
83. CSV Comma–Separated Values
84. CTCP Client–to–Client Protocol
85. ABI Application Binary Interface
86. MIS Management Information Systems
87. BIOS Basic Input Output System
88. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
89. LTE Long Term Evolution
90. AHA Accelerated Hub Architecture
91. ALU Arithmetic Logical Unit
92. FPU Floating Point Unit
93. FXP File Exchange Protocol
94. HHD Hybrid Hard Drive
95. HID Human Interface Device
96. FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
97. IOS Internetwork Operating System
98. iOS iPhone Operating System
99. PATA Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment
100. DDR Double Data Rate
101. VLC Video LAN Client
102. PC Personal Computer
103. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
104. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
105. HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
106. VHF Very High Frequency
107. DOC Document (Microsoft Corporation)
108. PDF Portable Document Format
109. JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group
110. UHF Ultra-High Frequency
111. UNICS UNiplexed Information Computing System
112. SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
113. OOPS Object-Oriented Programming System
114. Mac Macintosh
115. OS Operating System
116. MSDN Microsoft Developer Network
117. SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
118. NTFS New Technology File System
119. GUI Graphical User Interface
120. ISP Internet Service Provider
121. CGI Common Gateway Interface
122. FAT File Allocation Table
123. VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
124. SSL Secure Sockets Layer
125. IRC Internet Relay Chat
126. FTP File Transfer Protocol
127. EDP Electronic Data Processing
128. PCB Process Control Block
129. HDD Hard Disk Drive
130. CRM Customer Relationship Management
131. RJ45 Registered Jack 45
132. ASL Age Sex Location
133. UDP User Datagram Protocol
134. NAT Network Address Translation
135. SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
136. CIM Common Information Model
137. BAL Basic Assembly Language
138. BCD Binary Coded Decimal
139. POP Post Office Protocol
140. SRAM Static Random-Access Memory
141. CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
142. LLC Logical Link Control
143. ARP Address Resolution Protocol
144. MAPI Messaging Application Program Interface
145. EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
146. IIS Internet Information Services
147. ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
148. OSPF Open Shortest Path First
149. RIP Routing Information Protocol
150. BER Bit Error Rate
151. CLI Command Line Interface
152. ASP Application Service Provider
153. ASP Active Server Pages
154. DRAM Dynamic Random-Access Memory
155. COMPUTER Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technology Education and Research
156. WWW World Wide Web
157. DAT Digital Audio Tape
158. DOS Disk Operating System
159. SWF Shock Wave Flash
160. WMA Windows Media Audio
161. WAV Waveform Audio
162. WMV Windows Media Video
163. TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
164. AST Abstract Syntax Tree
165. AVC Advanced Video Coding
166. WUSB Wireless Universal Serial Bus
167. WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network
168. FDC Floppy Disk Controller
169. FDD Floppy Disk Drive
170. FDMA Frequency-Division Multiple Access
171. DFD Data Flow Diagram
172. DFS Distributed File System
173. DIVX Digital Video Express
174. CGA Color Graphics Array
175. CMOS Complementary Metal–Oxide Semiconductor
176. CIFS Common Internet File System
177. RPM Red-Hat Package Manager
178. SAS Statistical Analysis System
179. DTP Desk-Top Publishing
180. OCR Optical Character Reader
181. P2P Peer-To-Peer

182. M3G Mobile 3D Graphics
183. AMD Advanced Micro Devices
184. NAP Network Access Points
185. NAP Network Access Protection
186. HP Hewlett Packard
187. JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group
188. BMP Bitmap
189. 3GP 3rd Generation Project
190. SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
191. LBA Logical Block Addressing
192. API Application Programming Interface
193. WAP Wireless Application Protocol
194. ARPANET Advanced Research Project Agency Network
195. XMF Extensible Music File
196. WBMP Wireless BitMap Image
197. DAP Direct Access Protocol
198. DBA Database Administrator
199. CTL Computation Tree Logic
200. CTS Clear to Send
201. DLP Digital Light Processing
202. DMA Direct Memory Access
203. EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
204. EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
205. EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
206. HTM Hierarchical Temporal Memory
207. HTX Hyper Transport Expansion
208. HVD Holographic Versatile Disk
209. ELF Executable and Linkable Format
210. SIS Security and Intelligence Services
211. AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate
212. 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
213. HIG Human Interface Guidelines
214. HPFS High Performance File System
215. DSL Digital Subscriber Line
216. DSL Domain–Specific Language
217. DBSN Database Source Name
218. DTE Data Terminal Equipment
219. CUA Common User Access
220. DAO Data Access Objects
221. CAE Computer–Aided Engineering
222. DTR Data Terminal Ready
223. BiDi Bi–Directional
224. BINAC Binary Automatic Computer
225. BLOB Binary large Object
226. AVI Audio Video Interleave
227. RTS Real Time Streaming
228. SIS Safety Instrumented System
229. BPS Bits Per Second
230. BW Bandwidth
231. DVI Digital Visual Interface
232. DVR Digital Video Recorder
233. CAI Computer–Aided Instruction
234. CAQA Computer–Aided Quality Assurance
235. ISO International Organization for Standardization
236. ISR Interrupt Service Routine
237. ISV Independent Software Vendor
238. VFS Virtual File System
239. VGA Video Graphics Array
240. VPU Visual Processing Unit
241. VT Video Terminal
242. BCR Bar Code Reader
243. BPI Bytes Per Inch
244. DSHD Double Sided High Density
245. DTS Digital Theater System
246. VDU Video Display Unit
247. VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
248. XGA Extended Graphics Array
249. ZIF Zero-Insertion-Force
250. ZIP Zigzag Inline Package
251. ASR Automated System Recovery
252. CCD Charged Coupled Device
253. EFT Electronic fund Transfer
254. ERNET Education and Research Network
255. CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
256. WINS Windows Internet Naming Service
257. VGCT Video Graphics Character Table
258. VM Virtual Memory
259. PAP Password Authentication Protocol
260. PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
261. LSB Least Significant Bit
262. MBCS Multi Byte Character Set
263. IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
264. IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
265. IPTV Internet Protocol Television
266. IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange
267. UAC User Account Control
268. UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
269. URI Uniform Resource Identifier
270. WPA Wireless Protected Access
271. WUXGA Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
272. UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer
273. VCR Video Cassette Recorder
274. URN Uniform Resource Name
275. UTF Unicode Transformation Format
276. UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
277. NOS Network Operating System
278. NTP Network Time Protocol
279. NVRAM Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory
280. IHV Independent Hardware Vendor
281. IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
282. CNR Communication Network Riser
283. CRIMM Continuity-Rambus Inline Memory Module
284. IRQ Interrupt Request
285. ISC Internet Storm Center
286. TDR Time Domain Reflectometer
287. VRAM Video Random Access Memory
288. WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
289. TDM Time Division Multiplexing
290. ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration
291. GP Graphics port
292. SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
293. SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
294. NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt
295. NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol
296. IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
297. IPC Inter-Process Communication
298. IPP Internet Printing Protocol
299. BEMA Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
300. DAC Discretionary Access Control
301. DPMS Display Power Management Signaling
302. ECP Extended Capabilities Port
303. MBR Master Boot Record
304. MDI Multiple Document Interface
305. MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
306. MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface
307. MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple Output
308. MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
309. MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
310. MHz Megahertz
311. MMU Memory Management Unit
312. MMX Multi-Media Extensions
313. MNG Multiple-image Network Graphics
314. MOSFET Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
315. MPL Mozilla Public License
316. MSB Most Significant Bit
317. MVS Multiple Vendor System
318. NFS Network File System
319. KB Kilo-bytes
320. MB Mega-bytes
321. GB Giga-bytes
322. TB Tera-bytes
323. PB Peta-bytes
324. EB Exa-bytes
325. ZB Zetta-bytes
326. YB Yotta-bytes
327. BY Bronto-bytes
328. IPV4 Internet Protocol Version 4
329. IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 6
330. 1024 Bytes 1 Kilo-byte ( KB )
331. 1024 KB 1 Mega-byte ( MB )
332. 1024 MB 1 Giga-byte ( GB )
333. 1024 GB 1 Tera-byte ( TB )
334. 1024 TB 1 Peta-byte ( PB )
335. 1024 PB 1 Exa-byte ( EB )
336. 1024 EB 1 Zetta-byte ( ZB )
337. 1024 ZB 1 Yotta-byte ( YB )
338. 1024 YB 1 Bronto-byte ( BB )
339. 1024 BB 1 Geop-byte ( GB )
340. PINE Program for Internet News & Email
341. PIO Programmed Input/Output
342. PLC Programmable Logic Controller
343. PPI Pixels Per Inch
344. PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
345. PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
346. PSU Power Supply Unit
347. RAIT Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes
348. RDBMS Relation Database Management System
349. RDF Resource Description Framework
350. RGB Red, Green, Blue
351. RTOS Real Time Operating System
352. SAN Storage Area Network
353. SBU Standard Build Unit
354. SCSI Small Computer System Interface
355. SDL Software and Documentation Localization
356. SDN Service Delivery Network
357. SDR Software-Defined Radio
358. SHDSL Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line
359. SIMD Single Instruction, Multiple Data
360. SIMM Single In-Line Memory Module
361. DIMM Dual In-Line Memory Module
362. SMBIOS System Management BIOS
363. ERD Emergency Repair Disk
364. ESD Electro Static Discharge
365. POST Power on self-test
366. PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
367. STP Shielded Twisted Pair
368. SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
369. SXGA Super Extended Graphics Array
370. EMP Electro-Magnetic Pulse
371. EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
372. EFS Encrypting File System
373. EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
374. ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
375. ISH Information Super Highway
376. EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture
377. EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference
378. MBSA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
379. MCR Multivariant Curve Resolution
380. MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
381. NIU Network Interface Unit
382. LASER Light Amplification for Stimulated Emission of Radiation
383. LCD Liquid Crystal Display
384. NAS Network-Attached Storage
385. HCL Hardware Compatibility List
386. ICS Internet Connection Sharing
387. PIN Personal Identification Number
388. PKI Public Key Infrastructure
389. POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
390. MMC Microsoft Management Console
391. MUI Multilingual User Interface
392. PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit
393. RAS Remote Access Service
394. MFP Multi-Function Product
395. MLI Multiple Link Interface
396. PRI Primary Rate Interface
397. ICR Intelligent Character Recognition
398. ISA Industry Standard Architecture
399. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
400. SEC Single Edge Connector
401. SFC System File Checker
402. PAL Phase Alternation Line
403. PDA Personal Digital Assistant
404. SGRAM Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
405. SEC Single Edge Connector
406. EVDO Evolution Data Optimized Or Evolution Data Only
407. OSR OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)Service Release
408. RIS Remote Installation Service
409. RMA Returned Materials Authorization
410. MSD Most significant Digit
411. MSI Medium Scale Integration
412. OOP Object Oriented programming
413. MFD Multi-Function Device
414. DOS Disk Operating System
415. .aiff Audio Interchange File Format
416. .asf Advanced Systems Format
417. .avi Audio Video Interleave
418. .bat Microsoft’s Batch Processing
419. .bmp Windows Bitmap
420. .bwf Broadcast Wave Format
421. .csv Comma Separated Values
422. .dat Digital Audio Tape
423. .divX Digital Video Express (DivX-encoded Movie)
424. .docm Document (with Macros)
425. .docx Document (without Macros)
426. .fdr Final Draft Document
427. .flv Flash Video
428. .gif Graphics Interchange Format
429. .js Javascript (Document)
430. .me Readme Text File
431. .mp3 MPEG Audio Layer 3
432. .mp4 MPEG Layer 4
433. .mpeg Moving Picture Experts Group
434. .pdf Portable Document Format
435. .ppt PowerPoint Presentation
436. .psd Photoshop Document
437. 437 .py Python Document (File)
438. .sub Subtitle File
439. .ts Type Script (Document)
440. .txt Text/Plain
441. .vue Vue.js (Document)
442. .wav Waveform PCM Audio
443. .wma Windows Media Audio
444. .wmv Windows Media Video

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