Category: Computer Operator

Computer Operator Syllabus Loksewa Aayog Nepal

Computer Operator Syllabus Loksewa Aayog Nepal, Public Service Commission Nepal Competitive Service, Gazette Unnumbered First Class, Computer Operator and Data...

Computer Operator Question and Answer pdf

Loksewa Aayog Solved Computer Operator Question and Answer Download PDF file. Time :45 minute                    Full Mark: 50 Live Computer...

Computer Officer New Syllabus Nepal

Computer Officer New Syllabus Nepal Miscellaneous Services, Gazetted Third Class, Open Competitive Examination for the post of Computer Officer. Download...

Computer Operator New Syllabus Nepal Parliament Service (Nepal Samsad)

Computer Operator New Syllabus for Nepal Parliament Service (Nepal Samsad) Public Service Commission Nepal Parliament Service, Computer Group, Gazette Unnumbered...

HTML Form Element and tags

<form> HTML Form Element and Tags HTML form "<form>" element and tags is used to collect and send information to...

HTML Table Tag Element

<table> HTML Table Tag Element In HTML, the  Table "<table>" tag element has content that is used to display data...

HTML List Item Tag and Element

HTML List Item Tag and Element Here are the HTML List Item Tag and Element examples. <li> List Item Element...

HTML Common Tags or Elements

HTML Common Tags or Elements HTML common Tags or Elements are as follows: HTML Heading Style HTML Provides 6 types...

HTML Skeleton, Elements and CheatSheet

Introduction to HTML : HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a web page describing language developed by...

How to Create a Looping Slideshow in PowerPoint

We can easily create a looping slideshow (automatic restart slideshow after end the slideshow) using PowerPoint. A looping slideshow displays...
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