Computer Operator Exam Solved questions 2079

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Computer Operator Exam Solved questions 2079

Solved questions with the right answer– PSC Computer Operator 2079

Solved questions by Computer Operator. Public Service Commission Nepal Competitive Service, Gazette Unnumbered First Class, Computer Operator. Solved questions with the right answer– PSC Computer Operator 2079.

  1. The list of addresses in the mail merge is also known as…
    1. Invitee
    2. Recipient
    3. Addressee
    4. Meta tag
  2. What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options as default?
    1. Page
    2. Document
    3. Section
    4. Page Setup
  3. …is a tool to apply the same format to different characters/paragraphs.
    1. Format painter
    2. B. Format Generator
    3. Format applier
    4. Format Manager
  4. What is the short cut to align text to center?
    1. Ctrl+S
    2. Ctrl+L
    3. Ctrl + C
    4. Ctrl+E
  5. The ghost text that appears behind the text is known as…
    1. Ghost Mark
    2. Watermark
    3. Paper Mark
    4. Background Mark
  6. …. is note at the bottom of the page providing more info about something in the document.
    1. Citation
    2. Table of content
    3. Footnote
    4. Footer
  7. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?
    1. $C$1
    2. $D1$
    3. #BS1
    4. #E1#
  8. Comments can be added to cells using…
    1. Review->Comments
    2. File->Comments
    3. Insert->Comments
    4. View>Comments
  9. What is the maximum number of columns in worksheet?
    1. 256
    2. 255
    3. 65,536
    4. 131,072
  10. Getting data from cells located in different sheets is called…
    1. Referencing
    2. Updating
    3. Functioning
    4. Validating
  11. Which function allows user to repeat certain rows and columns on each page while printing…
    1. Print Repeat
    2. Print Header
    3. Print Title
    4. Print Cells
  12. The shortcut to shift active cell to one screen right
    1. Alt + Page up
    2. Alt + Page down
    3. Ctrl + Page up
    4. Ctrl+ Page down
  13. Which of the following is conditional function?
    1. Round
    2. And
    3. if
    4. Sum
  14. The shortcut to insert function is….
    1. F3
    2. Alt+F3
    3. Ctrl+F3
    4. Shift+F3
  15. What divides windows into two different panes that cache scroll separately?
    1. Mirror
    2. Split
    3. Slide
    4. Pane Manage
  16. Function in Excel allows you to adjust an input value in a formula to determine a desired outcome
    1. Pivot Table
    2. Audit
    3. Goal Seek
    4. Scenario
  17. Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL SELECT statements?
  18. The technique which defines a set of values acceptable for the field is known as…
    1. Authentication
    2. Acceptance
    3. Verification
    4. Validation
  19. DML stands for…
    1. Data Manipulation Language
    2. Data Multiplication Language
    3. Data Matching Language
    4. Data Masking Language
  20. What are the main building blocks of a database?
    1. Lists
    2. Queries
    3. Tables
    4. Forms
  21. Which of the following is the property of primary key?
    1. Unique
    2. Image
    3. Repeated
    4. Single bit
  22. Which keyword is used to find the number of values in a column?
    1. Value
    2. Total
    3. Find
    4. Count
  23. Which is not a slide transition type?
    1. Blinds
    2. Swivel
    3. Wind
    4. Flash
  24. Master Slide is used for…
    1. Header and Footer
    2. Table Slide Design
    3. Auto Layout
    4. Text Holders
  25. …is used
    1. Insert image file
    2. Source file
    3. Hyperlink
    4. None of the above
  26. …is used for
    1. Hyperlink
    2. Insert image file
    3. Alignment
    4. Paragraph formatting
  27. Which of the following is not true about video conferencing tools-Zoom or Team?
    1. Participant’s open window can be shared.
    2. Host can restrict participant from sharing screen
    3. Entering a meeting can be password protected
    4. Host can access participant’s computer via Zoom or Team
  28. The Electronic Transaction Act was passed as law in B.S….
    1. 2060
    2. 2063
    3. 2068
    4. 2072
  29. Which is not the E-Governance Pillar?
    1. E-Administration
    2. E-Democracy
    3. E-Services
    4. Virtual Reality
  30. The Disaster Recovery (DR) site of the Government Integrated Data Center (GIDC) is established in…
    1. Biratnagar
    2. Butwal
    3. Hetauda
    4. Nepalgunj
  31. Which of the following is a soft output device?
    1. Printer
    2. Monitor
    3. Plotter
    4. Keyboard
  32. Fifth generation computer use…
    1. Vacuum Tube
    2. ULSI
    3. VLSI
    4. Transistor
  33. VGA stands for…
    1. Visual Graphics Array
    2. Visual Graphics Adaptor
    3. Video Graphics Array
    4. Video Graphics Adaptor
  34. SSD Stands for…
    1. Semiconductor Specified Device
    2. Solid State Device
    3. Secure State Device
    4. Silicon State Device
  35. A computer program that converts entire program into machine language is called…
    1. Interpreter
    2. Compiler
    3. Simulator
    4. None of the above
  36. A step-by-step procedure to solve a problem is called…
    1. Algorithm
    2. Syntax
    3. Program
    4. Error
  37. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time?
    1. Cache memory
    2. Magnetic bubble memory
    3. Magnetic core memory
    4. RAM
  38. Which protocol is used to address the webpage in Internet?
    1. HTTP
    2. TELNET
    3. SMTP
    4. FTP
  39. CMOS stands for….
    1. Complements Main-Oxidation Semiconductor
    2. Complementary Main-Oxide Semiconductor
    3. Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
    4. Configuration Management and Option Semiconductor
  40. Faster data communication is possible when using…
    1. Twisted pair
    2. Co-axial cable
    3. Optical fiber
    4. Normal wire
  41. SMTP stands for…
    1. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
    2. Simple Machine Transfer Protocol
    3. Simple Merge Transfer Protocol
    4. Simple Mail Travel Protocol
  42. LPT port in computer is used for…
    1. Serial Communication
    2. Parallel Communication
    3. Power Supply
    4. Video Out
  43. The primary job of the operating system is to…
    1. Manage Commands
    2. Manage Users
    3. Manage Programs
    4. Manage Resources
  44. When there is enough memory to fit a process in memory, but the space is not contiguous we need…
    1. Internal Fragmentation
    2. Virtual Fragmentation
    3. External Fragmentation
    4. None of the above
  45. Patch time you tum on your computer, which of the following control files are checked on?
    1., io.sys
    3., io.sys, msdos.sys
    4. Chkdsk.exe
  46. The operating system keeps the information of files in a table is called…
    1. File Folder Table (FFT)
    2. File Index Table (FIT)
    3. File Allocation Table (FAT)
    4. Directory Index Table (DIT)
  47. Which menu in MS Word can be used to change page size & typeface?
    1. View
    2. Tools
    3. Data
    4. Format
  48. Maximum font size in word is…
    1. 48
    2. 54
    3. 72
    4. 78
  49. Shortcut to insert the page break in word is…
    1. Alt + Enter
    2. Shift + Enter
    3. Ctrl + Enter
    4. Tab +Enter
  50. Key combination used for thesaurus is…
    1. Shift + T
    2. Shift+F3
    3. Shift+F7
    4. Shift+F9

Answer Sheet

1. B2. D3. A4. D5. B6. C7. A8. A9. A10. A
11. C12. B13. C14. D15. B16. C17. D18. D19. A20. C
21. A22. D23. B24. C25. A26. A27. D28. B29. D30. C
31. B32. B33. C34. B35. B36. A37. A38. A39. C40. C
41. A42. B43. D44. C45. C46. C47. D48. C49. C50. C

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