Computer Operator Written Exam Question and answer

  Blog Desk       December 10, 2022     2903 2 Comments
Computer Operator Written Exam Question and answer

Are you looking for Computer Operator Written Exam Question and answer? You must prepare the following questions for computer operator, assistant computer operator and IT (Information Technology) exams in the government and none government vacancies.

The questions help you in preparation for the computer operator exam for various government and private sectors organizations like Loksewa computer operator, Telecom computer operator, Electricity computer operator, Department of National ID and Civil Registration computer operator (Rastriya Parichayapatra and Panjikaran Bibhag), Nepal Oil corporation computer operator, MIS computer operator, CTEVT / NSTB Computer Operator level 1, CTEVT / NSTB Computer Operator level 2, CTEVT / NSTB Computer Operator level 3 and many other organizations.

Computer Operator Written Exam Question and answer listed below

  1. Describe the major functions of an Operating System? [5 marks]
  2. What are the differences between RAM, ROM and Cache Memory in Computer System? [5 marks]
  3. What is mail merge in word processing? What are the advantages of using the mail merge? [2+3=5 marks]
  4. Explain the role of the Department of Information Technology in the development and implementation of Information Technology in various sectors of the government [5 marks]
  5. Define relative cell reference and absolute cell reference in an electronic spreadsheet program, Illustrate with suitable examples. [5 marks] 6.
  6. What are the different types of system tools provided by Windows OS for the improvement of system Performance? Explain. [10 marks].
  7. What do you mean by DBMS? Write down the features of DBMS in data management and security. [1+4=5 marks]
  8. What are the main characteristics of Unicode due to which it is most popular in the world? [5 marks]
  9. What is MS PowerPoint? Write down its features and uses. [2+3=5 marks]
  10. Define IP Address and Subnet Mask in computer networking. How do you find the IP Address and Subnet Marks of your computer and network? [2+3=5 marks]
  11. Explain the following terms [2+3=5 marks]
    1. Phishing
    1. Identity and Access Control
  12. Define different types of malware and security threats in today’s cyber world. Explain the various security measures that should be applied to be safe from those cyber threats. [4+6=10 marks]
  13. Explain in brief about major goals and objectives of the ICT Policy. 2072 [ 5 marks]
  14. What is Cloud Computing? What is the provision of ICT Policy, 2072 regarding Cloud Computing? [2+3=5 marks]
  15. What is Digital Signature? Write down the advantages and uses of Digital Signatures in government institutions.
  16. Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Government Integrated Data Center for the management and security of government data. [5 marks]
  17. What do you mean by formatting and validating field data in DBMS? Explain with a suitable example. [5 marks]

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2 responses to “Computer Operator Written Exam Question and answer”

  1. Rita budha says:

    I want to join class

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